TLC MEN gather every 3rd Thursday of the month at TLC at 6:00 pm.
Its a time of fellowship with men who love God, His Word and each other.
TLC Women
TLC Women meet the 3rd Thursday of the month at TLC at 6:00 pm, They are a bunch of women who deal with real life, search God’s Word, and enjoy one another.
Adult Bible Class & Kids Church
Adult Bible Class meets at TLC Sanctuary from 9:30 – 10:10 am. A discussion class consisting of a diverse group of men and women, not divided by age, gender or experience, gathering in unity to understand and apply the practical Word of God to the circumstances of their lives.
Kids Church is for the younger children ages 4 to 10. They meet every Sunday morning during service. TLC utilizes an age-appropriate curriculum, arts, and puppets for fun and learning
Kids Church is for the younger children ages 4 to 10. They meet every Sunday morning during service. TLC utilizes an age-appropriate curriculum, arts, and puppets for fun and learning
Music & Arts
The "Praise & Worship" Team - every Sunday we experience an exciting, dynamic, and inspiring time of praise and worship to the Living God.
An excellent team that leads us into a powerful time to express our love for God through music, flags, dance, drama and signing.